Well, the truth is that’s simply not true. This will imitate their natural habitat and make them feel more at home. And when adding mystery snails to a tank caution is advised if it’s planted. While most Mollies are fine, there are some that you should avoid. Rummy nose tetras can live for up to 5 years and grow to 2″ in length. Larger shoals will result in more colorful and active fish. dwarf rasbora. If you do want to add African dwarf frogs to your tank then you need to make sure that your tank isn’t too high. 4 dwarf cory cats. They grow up to 1.2 inches in length and live for 3-5 years. The dwarf rasbora is slightly smaller at a normal .75in and you can have it in up to 80 degrees which would be better for your betta but they can get stressed out easily and break apart from their school if harassed by a more aggressive tank mate. If you’re looking for some smaller fish to fill your tank then dwarf rasboras are a good choice. Lone bettas are often kept with snails, African dwarf frogs, and shrimp. Lastly, they like temperatures between 72-78°F and a pH between 7.0 – 7.8. If they become bored or lonely then they can quickly become aggressive. It is widely coveted due to their spectacular fins and bright colors. While they won’t attack your betta their large school size will deter your betta from attacking them. The water conditions will need to be pristine and they’ll need to be kept in groups to stop them from stressing. ). Considering on average most are .75inches full grown with a few reaching an 1inch I was thinking about 10-12. One thing to know about Scissortail Rasboras is that they need to be kept in big groups. Since plecos are peaceful in nature, they won’t hurt your betta fish or become a treat to them. Out of all the fish you can choose they are some of the most proficient breeders. Fire Rasbora reach 2 inches in length. Females aren’t as vibrant as male guppies, so the chances of them being attacked are a lot slimmer. Finding the perfect tank mate for your betta can be difficult. The eBook “How To Build An Aquarium Bonsai Tree” will teach you step by step how you can make an underwater bonsai tree and turn your tank into an underwater garden! The Dwarf rasbora is a very peaceful species. They do best in groups of 6 or more. Dwarf Rasboras are widely distributed in southeast Asia and are found in southern Thailand (from Phunphin in Surathani Province south), Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia (Sumatra and unconfirmed records from Kalimantan). Even though they don’t grow big you should still keep them in schools of at least 8. A beautiful little fish. The issue lies more with keeping them with other bottom dwellers. If you’re not interested in fish, shrimp or snails then another great choice of tank mate are African dwarf frogs. Fire Rasbora This rasbora is 1.5 inches in length and is quite beautiful. Harlequin Rasbora Tropical Fish Learn all about the Harlequin Rasbora's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Mystery Snails are one of the most common snails you can get in the aquarium trade, and in some cases, you may notice them appearing in your tank without you even buying them. This is mainly because they grow a lot bigger than their counterparts. Can A Redtail Shark And Betta Live Together? Nerite snails can live up to 2 years and can grow up to 1″ in size. This is also going to cause the males to appear much more colorful as they compete for the attention of any female rasbora in the tank! Unlike other snails that survive on vegetation, assassin snails are carnivores. Because of their size and need to be kept in a large group you’ll definitely need a minimum tank size of 20 gallons. Bettas are often sold in small “Betta bowls” or flower vases, when in fact they need much more space than that. Unlike Harlequin Rasboras, Chilli Rasboras are much smaller only growing up to 0.8 inches in size. As you can guess by their name they’re essentially transparent which gives them a unique appearance similar to glass catfish. While it’s unwise to add fish to the tank, you can still add snails and shrimp. However, once again you’re going to need to keep a bigger tank if you plan on buying lamb chomp rasboras. Purple Harlequin Rasbora With a beautiful purple color, this fish is greatly popular among aquarists. Anything smaller than that and they may begin to feel stressed and threatened. Frozen, dried, flakes and live food are all great choices. The Dwarf Rasbora (R. macula) is also referred to by tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Dwarf Spotted Rasbora, Dwarf, Pygmy Rasbora, or the Spotted Rasbora.. Hey, can anyone tell me how many dwarf/pygmy Rasbora I can put in a ten gallon? The birthplace of the Galaxy Rasbora is a high-mountain (about 1000 meters above sea level) reservoirs of Myanmar (Burma). In most cases, your betta will leave Ramshorn snails alone and this is one of the reasons they make great tank mates. Its wider placement within the family Cyprinidae is still not fully resolved. 377 377. Well, the answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. Although Cardinal Tetras are peaceful by nature it’s still important you don’t take this peaceful nature for granted. Learn more about otocinclus catfish. If you want more in-depth information about each of the fish on this list such as their diet, habitat and behavioral requirements, as well as how to breed them then check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. Bettas and Rasboras both originate from South East Asia and live in rice paddies, river basins, and slow-moving water. If you want to keep your betta fish in a bowl, I recommend getting a bowl with a volume of at least 2.5-3 gallon (10-12 liter). Chili Rasbora Classification. Depending on the grade you get they could be slightly orange, to a bright fiery red. 30 Betta Tank Mates (List Of Fish That Can Live With Bettas), Female Betta Fish - Behavior, Tank Mates, Requirements, Betta Fish Feeding Guide (Perfect Feeding Schedule Included), Best 5 Gallon Tank For Bettas (And 5 More! However, remember it’s still important not to overstock your tank and no matter what give your betta plenty of hiding spaces to reduce the chance of him being aggressive. Nov 14, 2013 - Within the genus Boraras this species is most similar to B. naevus, though in the latter the red body colouration does not extend into the head. Can Amano Shrimp And Bettas Live Together? They’re not brightly colored, they don’t have flowing tails, and they don’t inhabit the same areas. The chances of them nipping your betta’s fins are extremely slim. They have a nice amount of color to them, but not enough to trigger your betta. They prefer to live in shallow, up to 30-40 cm, densely overgrown lakes with clean water, which are fed by spring floods. Sidenote: I already have a 20 gallon community tank with a well-mannered betta at home, and I want to do something else besides a betta in the 5 gallons I would have to work with. Food flakes and tablets with natural pigment enhancers are a great choice for Dwarf Rasboras as they will really make their color pop! Without enough room to swim, they’re going to become stressed and in all likelihood more aggressive. It is even safe to keep with dwarf shrimp! Whatever you choose, just make sure that you have a backup plan in case things don’t work. However, they still look fantastic and the more experienced fish keeper will love them just as much! Short tailed Black male betta. One of the best reasons for keeping dwarf crayfish with your betta is because they’re bottom dwellers. And don’t worry about their slightly larger size, they still live happily in a 10-gallon tank. Bettas aren’t strong swimmers so they prefer. And because of their peaceful personalities, they are unlikely to be aggressive to your betta. They’ll also need pH levels between 7-8 and a temperature between 70-80°F. If you have a tank that’s 20 gallons then here are some more tank mates you can keep with your betta. As well as this they’re going to need a temperature between 70-80°F and a pH between 7.0-8.3. Right off the bat, this is going to mean that they’re going to enjoy the same water conditions, such as pH and water temperature. All of these reasons, combined with the fact they are peaceful and have hard armor-like scales are exactly why you should choose them. If you want more in-depth information about each of the fish on this list such as their diet, habitat and behavioral requirements, as well as how to breed them then check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. Otocinclus catfish can live for 3-5 years and grow between 1.5-2″ in length. One thing to know about ember tetras is that they should be kept in groups. The name suggests that they are an aggressive species, but this is certainly not always the case. Other compatible fish are neons, but only if in a large group (5 minimum), otos, kuhli loaches, various shrimp species, snails, dwarf rasboras, endler's livebearers. If you keep neon tetras in a big enough group and big enough tank then they should leave your betta alone. As well as that avoid balloon mollies. It is regarded as one of the most stunning fish species. These fish are the best choice for your Betta aquarium: It’s very hit and miss whether they’re going to eat your plants or not and it will all depend on the individual snail. They need a temperature between 68-79°F and a pH level between 6-7. Bettas will eat anything that will fit in their mouth and unfortunately for Chilli rasboras, this may be the case. When you’re choosing snails for your tank, nerite snails are often the best choice. However, just remember you do need to make sure that they’re being kept in a school. Here is a list of different Rasboras, including which ones you should and shouldn’t keep with your betta! They’re incredibly quick swimmers, so the chances of your betta getting close to them are slim. I would only suggest adding another fish to the aquarium if you have one of the smaller types of Rasboras - Mosquito Rasboras, Dwarf Rasboras, etc. And what better bottom dweller to choose than Otocinclus catfish? It’s not because of their size but how active they are as swimmers. The Dwarf rasbora is a black water fish and appreciates if the bogwood and leaves stain the water with tannins. Otherwise, you should try sticking with larger Rasboras such as Scissortails. And lastly, if you do plan on keeping Dwarf Rasboras then it’s important to make sure you’re giving them the right nutrients! A common worry many betta owners have is whether their betta will attack other fish in a community tank. You should always be looking to place your fish in a tank as big as possible. This one-inch fish features a dark purple body and tiny yellow white dots on the top of its body. If you do plan on keeping Dwarf Rasboras with your betta then it’s important to know that your betta has a peaceful temperament. Remember to check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. They love hiding and it’s not uncommon for them to go missing for a couple of days before being seen again! However, even though they aren’t the biggest fish they can still live for a long time. (Do’s & Don’ts), Fluval Flex 9 Gallon (34L) Review (Why It’s The Best). Learn more about Mailchimp’s privacy practices here. African Dwarf Frog. Contrary to what you might think, they’re actually bottom dwellers, so they’ll spend most of their time out of your bettas way. Current Size – 1cm. If you do plan on keeping Dwarf Rasboras with your betta then it’s important to know that your betta has a peaceful temperament. Just like Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Ramshorns grow up to 1″ in size and live for up to a year. Zebra Snails. Just like other cory’s they’re also ideal tank mates for bettas because they don’t have any of the features that trigger aggression in bettas. 1 Why Are Bettas And Rasboras Great Tank Mates? Neon tetras can live up to 5 years and grow up to 1.5″ in length. Instead, you should keep female guppies with male bettas. An aquarium of that size enables you to keep a range of freshwater fish, living plants, and invertebrates, too. Harlequin Rasboras are some of the best fish you can keep with your betta. As much as these critters are awesome, they’re a pain to feed. There’s some speculation to whether Endler’s livebearers and guppies are one species or two separate species because of how similar they are and the fact they are found in the exact same area of the world. Size: 3 inches. The Siamese Fighting fish is a complicated fish and should not be purchased on a whim. I have some with mine :-) They come in all colors with varying patterns and each one in your tank is going to look unique. In this section, we will suggest the best tank mate options for Bettas and why they are the best choice for your tank. Glass catfish really are some of the most amazing looking fish you can add to your tank (besides your betta of course). And while they aren’t the most compatible circumstances, they can still be a great tank mate for bettas. They need a temperature between 72-82°F and a pH level between 6.8-7.5. A mix of dried, frozen, flakes and live food are all great choices and as long as you remember to balance the amount of meat and vegetation your Lambchop Rasboras get, then they’re going to stay healthy! If you’re looking for a shrimp that’s a little more colorful then cherry shrimp may be the choice for you. If you’re not sure where to begin then start with shrimp and snails then work your way up. On Sale! Rasbora . If you look after your Rasbora well enough then they will grow up to 2 inches in size and live for 6 years. Lambchop Rasboras or “Espe’s” Rasbora are another great choice. When keeping Endler’s livebearers, the biggest thing you have to be aware of is how quickly they breed. However, one thing to be aware of is that platies are livebearers. The good news is that if you add some cheap shrimp then even if your betta does kill them they’ll become a nice meal for him! The good news is their babies will make a tasty snack for your betta and other fish in your tank. They have tough skin so even if your betta attacks your dwarf plecos, plecos won’t bother. It’s also important to know that Harlequin Rasboras are shoaling fish, so you should keep at least 8 together at as time. 1 male betta. They will live happily in the tank your betta is already in as long as it’s densely planted with plenty of hiding spaces. Before you do plan on adding tanks mates for your betta you should always have a backup plan just in case. Lastly, mystery snails grow up to 2.5″ in length and can live for 3-5 years. Bettas And Rasboras - Perfect Tank Mates? Before you begin your fish keeping journey, you’ll need to know what fish to choose for your aquarium and how many fish can live in a 20-gallon tank. Harlequin Rasbora Stats Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallons Care Level: Very Easy ... One of my favorites is a betta with some shrimp. Goldfish 5-7cm . Dwarf rasbora is not suitable for community aquarium due to its very timid nature and small … They need temperatures between 72-82°F and pH levels between 6.7-8.5. The water conditions they need to live happily are similar to bettas. Frozen, dried, live and flakes can all be used. Help/Advice. Tetras/ Barbs/ Danios/Rasbora Sort by Featured Best selling Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Price, low to high Price, high to low Date, old to new Date, new to old Neon Tetra Marineland Contour Vs Portrait Aquarium (NEW REVIEWS! If you decide to introduce your betta into a tank with the harlequin rasbora, you can expect rasbora’s to grow to around 1.5 inches in length and live on average 5 years. Boraras was erected in 1993 in order to separate a small group of species from the larger Rasbora assemblage on the basis of differences in morphology and reproductive strategy. The trick is to avoid adding male guppies to your tank. This is because they often smuggle themselves in on plants that you purchase. When you add them to the water with your betta then the temperature in the tank will be breeding temperature for them. On top of this, they’re going to need to live in a tank with a temperature between 72-79°F and a pH between 5.8-8. Such features give it the appearance of a Galaxy and makes it ideal for your aquarium containing giant betta. POND FISH. Because of their peaceful temperament, they are one of the best community fish you can have in a tank. Neon tetras are some of the most popular tropical fish around. 7 dwarf rasboras (boraras maculatus) 7 rosy loaches Maybe 1 nerite snail if the loaches won't torment it. Scissortail Rasboras can live for up to 5 years and grow up to 3.5″ in length. Best Betta Fish Toys To Keep Your Betta Happy! When you’re feeding your Dwarf Rasbora you only allow them to eat for around 3 minutes twice a day. Both the females and males lack flowing fins and they’re also not as brightly colored. Dwarf Rasbora in a ten gallon? Just make sure you keep the water pristine. Endler’s livebearers can grow up to 1.4″ in size and live for 2-3 years (however, this is normally slightly shorter for females). If you’re interested to know more about tank mates that can live with bettas then you have to check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. If you just drop the food in the aquarium for them, chances are the betta will get to it before them. ), Best 5 Gallon Tank For Bettas (And 5 More! A true Honey would be the best community Gourami. Hailed as the best algae eating shrimp, Amano shrimp also make great betta tank mates. (Which is why 20 gallons is recommended). One issue that may pop up when housing Scissortail Rasboras with bettas is the filtration system. If you’re a beginner fish keeper then you should stick to the Harlequin Rasboras and if you’re feeling more advanced then you should move onto Scissortail Rasboras or Dwarf Rasboras! US Tropical Fish is selling imported tropical fish from Indonesia to US market by pre-order and in bulk. Once you have a tank that’s 15 gallons or bigger, you can become even more flexible with the tank mates you want to keep with your betta. At a quick glance, a beginner aquarist might think rasbora as one of the types of tetra fish, both rasbora and tetra are characteristically and visually similar. However, just remember, that to keep your betta happy you need to make sure he has enough space in the tank he can call his own territory. They are fiery red in color and have slim, streamline bodies to swim fast. However, be warned that they are also easily intimidated. Otherwise, just like your betta they will eat and eat until they become constipated and sick! They’re omnivores which means they’re not going to be particularly fussy. You should only keep redtail sharks if you’re an experienced fishkeeper already. There are so many different types of Rasbora you can choose from. Marketing PermissionsPlease select all the ways you would like to hear from Betta Care Fish Guide: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. They need a temperature between 75-79°F and a pH level between 6-7 to thrive. If you want a corydoras that’s a little bit bigger then bronze corydoras’ are a great choice. However, beware that they are a little bit more expensive than other shrimp, so make sure you know your betta won’t attack them before adding them to your tank. They can survive in a lot of water conditions and if you’re new to fishkeeping they give you more room for error than other fish. If you want to keep Dwarf Rasboras with your betta just make sure you’re giving them lots of hiding places. However, some harlequin rasboras may try to nip bettas fins. Just an idea. This schooling fish can be the highlight in any peaceful community aquarium and it is a particular standout in the planted aquarium. While most Rasboras prefer smaller tanks, Scissortail Rasboras prefer something a little bigger. If you plan on having dwarf Rasboras, it’s important to know that they’re only going to grow to around 0.8 inches. In older literature they are therefore referred to as members of Rasbora and following Liao et al. And because they lack a lot of coloring you don’t have to worry about your betta seeing them as a threat. Best Live Food For Betta Fish (A Comprehensive List). However, bettas and rasboras are almost perfect tank mates! When you’re feeding your Dwarf Rasbora you only allow them to eat for around 3 minutes twice a day. Next on the list is another popular breed of Rasbora. ), 8 Best Filters For 5 Gallon Betta Tanks (And Normal Tanks). The Fire Rasbora is said to be that peaceful it is often the victim of bullying in an aquarium, with it being housed with a Betta it should be given some form of refuge, just so it can retreat if stressed. If you notice this you may have to isolate the Rasbora that’s causing the problem or move your betta to another tank. Blue Lobster. They need to live in tanks with a temperature between 73-78°F and with a pH level between 6.6-7. If you want to keep Dwarf Rasboras with your betta just make sure you’re giving them lots of hiding places. If you get a fin nipper then they will stress your betta out. Dwarf crayfish grow up to 2″ in size and can live for 3 years. Because of their large size you don’t have to worry about them being eaten by your betta, and they aren’t going to be intimidated either. (Do’s & Don’ts), 30 Betta Tank Mates (List Of Fish That Can Live With Bettas), Can Bettas Live With Tetras? Chili Rasbora and Betta. They need a temperature between 73-82°F and a pH level between 6-7.5. While they make great tank mates for bettas, if they’re left to breed uncontrolled they can quickly overrun a tank. Before you begin your fish keeping journey, you’ll need to know what fish to choose for your aquarium and how many fish can live in a 20-gallon tank. Koi Butterfly 7-10cm. While they won’t cause aggression in your betta they are incredibly unhealthy and the way they are bred is cruel, so they’re best avoided. 8 Best Filters For 5 Gallon Betta Tanks (And Normal Tanks), Fluval Fx6 Canister Filter Review (Is It The Best? And lastly, because of their small size, you don’t have to worry about keeping them in a large tank. Lambchop Rasboras can live for 3-5 years and grow up to 1.2″ in length. And because of their small size you’re food is going to get a lot further. Dwarf/Pygmy Rasbora. While using mirrors, adding lots of plants, hiding places and spots to explore in your tank can help stimulate your betta, there’s no denying that other tank mates in your tank are going to be a constant source of entertainment. 1 male betta. You should feed them for 3 minutes 3 times a day. They need a temperature between 72-79°F and a pH between 6.5-7.5. Rasboras are incredibly quick swimmers whereas bettas are slow. If you are going to keep Otocinclus catfish in your tank you’ll need to give them plenty of hiding places. One type of nerite snail even has horns growing out of its shell! Close. When keeping rummy nose tetras in your tank you need to make sure that you’re giving them plenty of open space to swim in while still providing them with plenty of hiding places. They love plants, however, driftwood, caves, and man-made ornaments are also great choices. Add to Cart. If you’re worried about your betta eating the food, then you should try to separate them or isolate your betta with a net when feeding. Other compatible fish are neons, but only if in a large group (5 minimum), otos, kuhli loaches, various shrimp species, snails, dwarf rasboras, endler's livebearers You’ll need to fill your tank with plants and ornaments to keep them as safe as possible. Black neon tetras can live for 3-5 years and grow up to 1.5″ in length. 15 Gallons might just be enough (check out this great 15-gallon tank), but personally, I wouldn’t go below 20 Gallons. You can also feed them live food such as bloodworms which will sink to the bottom for them to eat. The Chili rasbora (Boraras brigittae), also known as the mosquito rasbora, is one of the smallest tropical fish in the aquarium hobby. The claret betta is one of the less well known speceis of betta but is still just as colourful as the siamese fighting fish. Just remember, like with all shrimp you should make sure there’s plenty of hiding spaces for them. (Here’s a handy article explaining all the requirements for putting your betta with other tank mates.). However, with only having the one other fish I don't believe it will be picked on. Chili Rasboras can live for 4-8 years and grow up to 0.8″ in length. Just an idea. While the majority of their food should be insect-based (like in the wild) there should also be plant-based food in it as well. Save 49%. So as long as you make sure all the fry are getting eaten there isn’t going to be a problem. Dwarf frogs are shy, and even more so with big fish like bettas in … But that doesn’t mean you should put them in a smaller tank with your betta. ), 20 Gallon Fish Tank Suggestions For Bettas. African Dwarf Frogs. You don’t want to overfeed your betta in the process of feeding the frogs. They need a temperature between 73-80°F and a pH level between 5.5-7. If you have a 10-gallon tank or you plan on upgrading soon, then the amount of betta tank mates you can choose from increases massively. Posted by 1 year ago. Dieter Vogt originally described the fish in 1978. An aquarium of that size enables you to keep a range of freshwater fish, living plants, and invertebrates, too. Archived. Lastly, when it comes to diet you should make sure you’re giving your Scissortail a good mixture. This schooling fi… In this section, we will suggest the best tank mate options for Bettas and why they are the best choice for your tank. But if you think you can handle it, they’re well worth a purchase! Lyretail mollies have long tails that can cause aggression in your betta. Just like other Rasboras, Dwarf Rasboras also live on average up to 3-5 years. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. You should also make sure that they’re in a tank which is big enough. If you’re not sure about how your betta will react to neon tetras, then black neon tetras can also be a great choice. Just make sure they also have enough room to swim as well. The fish must be compatible in personality, food, and temperature, which does provide some options, but not too many. Chili Rasbora and Betta. They can grow up to 3.5 inches in length and live for 5 years. 6. Species – Emerald Dwarf Rasbora - Celestichthys erythromicron. It is very easy to take care of Harlequin Rasbora because it is not a picky eater and it is a hardy species. If you’re short on time then here’s a list of fish that can live with bettas as well as shrimp and snails: Before getting tank mates for your betta you may be wondering whether it’s necessary? Not only will you learn tons more about all the fish already listed, but you’ll also learn about 35 more tank mates you can keep with your betta! As you can see Bettas and Rasboras make great companions. Once your Scissortail has acclimatized to the tank, you’ll also need the right decorations. Uncontrolled they can become stressed and threatened why 20 gallons then here are some that you can begin feel. Ph levels between 7-8 and a pH between 6.4-7 and often do best in between... 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