She ultimately lost her temper and threw her father's ashes on the buddha statue rather than following tradition, which furthered their opinions. By the time Danjou attacked them in Kyoto, Yoshiharu had gained a functional level of skill with the spear, but still needed to be protected by his allies to survive the ordeal. High school student Yoshiharu Sagara wakes up and finds himself in the middle of a raging Sengoku period battle. Yoshiharu became friends with Inuchiyo very quickly due to Nobuna's relationship with Yoshiharu. Nobuna and Katsuie leads most of the Oda army to Kisogawa. She tends to have a rather mother-like or older sister-like personality towards him at times when he needs it, such is her role as a nun. After comforting her and sharing a kiss during this time, Yoshiharu won Nobuna over. Like with most children Yoshiharu is kind to Bontenmaru, even letting her on his lap and shoulders after their first meeting. Yoshiharu is quite curious about how she resembles Empress Himiko and was born with similar powers, but he ignores it since it does not even appear that she actually knows about it either. With his dying breath, the warrior pleads for Yoshiharu to … Rather comically she is prone to become embarrassed when Yoshiharu stares at her or comments that she is his type, in which case she will note she's already married to god. Humorously, shown in the Light Novel, as Nobuna was stumped as to how to deal with Azai Nagamasa’s request for marriage did Yoshiharu asked if Oichi can take the role, much like the history he knows. He would've succeeded in bringing the lords of Harima to Nobuna's side, if not for the unfotunate pressence of Sunekosuri. They are aware of their difference in status, regardless, Yoshiharu has more than once considered giving up his dream of a harem solely to be with her, once he actually did in fact, and she has on one occasion even thought about quitting her own dream, faking her death, and becoming just "a nameless wife of Yoshiharu" as Azai Nagamasa did to be with her brother Nobukatsu. She seems to be particularly fascinated with European customs, and she has Sagara swear his loyalty to her in a European knight style, and says it's "cooler" and "more elegant" (as translated in English). Katsuie is an admirer of Nobuna. At the end of episode 2, he swears his loyalty to her, in a European Knight manner. For a feudal lord in Japan, she usually seems rather easygoing. she was eventually captured and held hostage by Ukita Naoie, which reduced her to a desperate state virtually unable to walk on her own. Daimyo (Volume 8). During her father's dying days, she and the rest of the clan brought in a number of monks to help cure him with their prayers and methods, when he later died, she killed the monks. In volume 13, it was confirmed that Sagara Yoshiharu was in fact, a descendant of Sagara clan in Higo province (Kyūshū island). The first episode begins with a modern-day high schooler named Yoshiharu Sagara being in the middle of a battlefield in the Warring States Period. When Sagara Yoshiharu wakes up … Ironically this turned out to have positive results as Nobusumi discovered that Nagamasa was a woman and developed romantic feelings for her; later, after his ordeal where he escaped and returned to the Oda clan, Nobusumi has awoken to romance and is more mature in that field than either Nobuna or Yoshiharu, both of whom he actually tries to bring together and can even briefly cause the other Oda retainers to become inspire to literally drag Nobuna to Yoshiharu when he believes she's gone too far. File:Oda Nobuna no Yabou - Volume 07 -Baka-Tsuki--Autogenerated--Dark- 0162.jpg Much later, when she is dying due to her weak condition, her one will is that Yoshiharu not be burdened with the knowledge of it, she tried to entrust her will to Kanbei, who was a comparable strategist to herself. Finally, after seeing his devotion to Nobuna, Hanbei developed feelings for him she could not understand, and would seem to hint that these are feelings of jealousy. She was willing to strike one of Nobukatsu's retainers in order to make the delivery and save Yoshiharu's head, and also fought against Hanzo in order to protect Yoshiharu, on both occasions taking high risks for his sake. Yoshiharu is initially quite envious of Organtino's good looks, which apparently are enough to completely conquer the all female Kuki Pirates, however he and Organtino get along quite well. The relationship between Katsuie and Yoshiharu was not so close compared to the others with the latter. This historical action comedy series is directed by Yuuji Kumazawa (Sunday Without God, The Irregular at Magic High School [Assosicate Director]) with series composition by Masashi Suzuki (Kanokon: The … 0. Later on, Kanbei protested when Yoshiharu showed more concern towards Hanbei than her (because he already knew the extent of Kanbei's current condition and didn't have to worry about it). Yoshiharu quickly became the only moral preventing Nobuna from turning into a demon king like Nobunaga, and with the death of Saitou Dousan, he is also the only person who can truly understand her. Nagahide is stated to be like an older sister to Nobuna, and she is both aware of Nobuna's feelings for Yoshiharu from day one and highly supportive of their relationship from then on. She gains some level of confidence after meeting him due to his stating how people of his time don't discriminate against her type as much as now and how she should not be concerned about it but proud(especially of her blonde hair and large chest, according to him). Below is a list of the most significant of her relationships. He is very loyal to Nobuna, and at the end of episode 2, he swears his allegiance to her, and vows to serve her in her conquests. She also wears green-blue colure… He then proceeds towards the fallen Yoshimoto and persuades her to surrender. Later, after his actions helped Nobuna bring down the Imagawa clan and Motoyasu came to ally herself with Nobuna, she clearly remembers trying to kill him, but chooses not to bring it up out of awkwardness. Initially she and her younger brother got along very well, but as Nobukatsu's retainers encouraged him to rebel he eventually became more of a problem for Nobuna, enough for her to consider executing him if he kept openly instigating full out rebellions against her. Prior her ambitions to unify, some of Nobuna's decisions were reversed by her retainer, Sagara Yoshiharu due to Yoshiharu's non-violent nature. At one point, he effectively had Inabayama Castle in his clutches, all he would have to do would be to kill Hanbei herself and it would be her's, the fact that he never thought of this nor considered it when she herself brought it up further provided her reasons to trust in him. However, in contrast to the historical sister of Oda Nobunaga, a confused Nobuna had stated that she had no sister and only a little brother. As a result of this, she hates liars and hypocrites. Oda Nobuna. Nowadays Nobuna and Juubei only actually seem to be in sync when they're both angry at Yoshiharu at the same time. After he was banished to Ise, he met with her about aiding the Oda forces against Takeda's army, which she agreed to do if he conquered Ise Spanish Isle for her and allowed her to use her powers and read his mind when they succeeded. Nobuna is a fairly young woman with a lean frame. However, his plans come under threat by the Oda Faction led by Nobuna Oda whom he hates as he views her as lowly country noble. If nothing else, she is willing to say she will protect herself and Nobuna from the "saru" and is quite clearly jealous and frustrated with how close he has become towards Nobuna, or perhaps the other way around, or both. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While this is not so much a skill of his own the way he seems to utilise it is, as he has proven to be so adept at problem solving and planning when he sets his mind to it that even if something differs from the course he knows he can and will start to think of ways around it. Oda Nobuna no Yabou Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Despite how Takeda had revealed her identity, much to her shock, Yoshiharu had not shown the slightest sign of fear before her. Despite thinking of her as a "brat," he, despite pleads from Katsuie to restrain, berated and threatened Nobutsumi (then Nobukatsu) for insulting her, even after acknowledging that Nobukatsu and himself could probably get along well. However, after Yoshiharu defended her from the rants of the Harima noble's, which bothered her for years, she has begun to open up to him and acknowledge him for his effort. As his plans to destroy the Oda Faction failed, he slowly loses his sanity and in a desperate attempt to finally kill Nobuna, he betray his allies by setting Mount Hiei, where he and his allies are, on fire. Due to her apparently "M"-personality, Shikanosuke more or less seems genuinely happy with the idea of becoming Yoshiharu's slave, literally. From there her feelings continued to develop into a romantic form, or arguably even before then, as she seems to immediately assume he's talking about her whenever he talks about the most beautiful girl in Owari, Japan, and finally the whole world. During this celebration Nobusumi stated outright that he will never forget his debt to Yoshiharu and will hence forth fight alongside him in battle. When they first met, due to Motoyasu serving Imagawa Yoshimoto, she tried to kill him with her sword. The anime was produced by Studio Gokumi and Madhouse and aired on Japanese television from July 9-September 24, 2012. In an alternate past where the armies of Japan are led by female warlords, one woman’s dreams will shape a nation in SentaiFilmworks' latest acquisition, The Ambition of Oda Nobuna. Looking for information on the anime Oda Nobuna no Yabou (The Ambition of Oda Nobuna)? She seems to enjoy teasing Yoshiharu. When a job needs to be done Goemon is usually the first person aside from the strategist, Hanbei, who Yoshiharu will turn to and she is more than willing to see it through. Yoshiharu frequently shows a very bold personality. According to Zenki, Yoshiharu's most impressive trait is to inadvertantly cause himself woman troubles. Nevertheless, they two maintained a professional attitude towards, and have a sense of mutual respect to each other. After hearing that Nobuna might be dead it was Yoshiharu himself who snapped her out of it and ultimately helped her protect Kyoto from Mutsunaga Danjo. When her father's health declined her clansmen brought in a number of monks to use rituals and prayers to save him. He refers to people mostly (even Nobuna and Saitou Dousan) by only their given names, without adding an honorific title, which is considered extremely rude in Japanese society. Sentai Filmworks released The Ambition of Oda Nobuna back in December 2014, and while we’ve had streaming access for the Japanese language version with English subtitles for a bit, the English dubbed version is now showing up. He is also very nice towards children, namely Hanbei, Nene, Bontenmaru(Date Masamune) and Motoyasu, who tried to kill him first time they met. Given Yoshiharu's actions and words during the battle with Danjou, Juubei has come to the impression that he knows her fate and that he is trying to prevent that sad future from happening, causing her feelings for him to grow stronger still. Being the series main character, Yoshiharu naturally developed a large number of relationships with several major characters, below is a list of the most prominent of his relationships. Yoshiharu's relationship with Motoyasu's ninja, Hanzo, is rather obscure due to the latter nature. It was hard for Christianity and Shinto-Buddism (the major religion of Japan at that time) to co-exist at that time due to their differences in belief and philosophy about the world (for example, Christianity did not honor their ancestors, unlike Shinto-Buddism), and as number of Christians grew, Hideyoshi saw them as a threat to public order and ordered the banning of Christianity, even forced some of his own men who followed Christianity, namely Kuroda Kanbei, to commit seppuku. In volume 13, it was confirmed that Sagara Yoshiharu was in fact, a descendant of Sagara clan in Higo province (Kyūshū island). He acts somewhat like an older brother to her. She is also very sharp towards Nobuna and Yoshiharu's relationship and insists that a lord and retainer should not wed, so naturally she is the better "sacrifice" to marry him. This desire to steal Yoshiharu has earned her much enmity from Nobuna, yet at the same time both of them will get along perfectly if they believe he has come to harm. Nobuna's opinion towards Yoshiharu was originally very blunt, when he saved her life from an enemy's spear she repaid him by sparing his life from Katsuie and after he managed to empty a lake she ordered him to empty in order to prove there wasn't a dragon god in it she accepted him as a footsoldier. She later admits to Himiko, and states she will only tell Himiko, that she never doubted Yoshiharu would return from the Retreat at Kanegasaki because he is the only real Japanese man she acknowledges that would never die. This historical action comedy series is directed by Yuuji Kumazawa (Sunday Without God, … Most impressive, or by his admission the most credible evidence of Zenki's claim, is that he once managed to make an entire cult of girls who worship the cat god smitten with him after defusing their potential uprising with a soccer craze. He eventually trains and becomes quite skilled in the use of the spear, the bow, and horse riding, although he was unable to do the last for some time and would usually have to hitch a ride on Goemon's horse instead. She serves as the main female protagonist throughout the series. Mitsuhide is immensely sharp at this, realising their feelings quickly after they became and item and interfering with them whenever they're alone. During certain times, Yoshiharu apparently tends to use modern references that no one understands, indicating there are certain lapses where he forgets he is 400 years in the past and he casually talks instinctively. She values her companions, and will go through great lengths to protect them. Nobuna gets along with Saitou Dōsan very well, due to the fact that he is one of the few men in the world who could ever comprehend her ambition and understand her, however, she also finds him annoying when he acts like a lecher the first time they met. This extends later to their flirting with Yoshiharu, where he considers Kanbei to be still a child and Kanbei notices and he doesn't think that way of Hanbei any longer. Yoshiharu fears that the growing conflict between them over his affection will lead to the incident at hannon-ji, in other words, he's scared he might have actually caused the thing he most wanted to prevent. She is probably the only woman Nobuna doesn't think will try to steal Yoshiharu from her(she might very well be right too), and Nagahide displays no personal interest towards him, rather she goes to lengths to attempt to bring Yoshiharu and Nobuna together, which usually doesn't work. See more ideas about oda, anime, japanese history. Similarly, she is also aware of Jūbei's feelings towards Yoshiharu, which has led to a rivalry between them, on top of some occasional teaming up to punish his lecherous side. * MsFanservice: Take your pick: gorgeous {{Tsundere}} Oda Nobuna, CoolBigSis with [[ShesGotLegs nice legs]] Niwa Nagahide, [[BoobsOfSteel fierce warrior]] lady Shibata Katsuie, or maybe Matsunaga Danjyou? Nobuna also has no problem swindling Katsuie, once giving her a dirt quality tea set and claiming it to be worth all of Mino, and Katsuie has absolutely no problem believing it. She not only wants to conquer and unite Japan, but she is even showing interest in the rest of the world, and starts to respect Sagara more when he demonstrates his knowledge of Europe. Later on however, with Hanbei now loyal to Yoshiharu, Zenki has followed his master and joined his side. She is not very subtle about her interest in him as she almost immediately put on a bridal gown and attempted to marry him at the nearest oppurtunity, which led to a massive misunderstanding with Nobuna. This trait causes him some frustration, as he notes that in the end the harem he originally desired was quite different from the harem of Loli's he actually has. She has a heart-shaped face with big brown eyes. He is willing to lie to her to protect her, as he knew in his future's history that she would likely die fighting against the Mori clan and chose to keep the grim possibilities to himself, because she would actually go and do it: Shikanosuke tends to pray for suffering rather than victory, again, he suspects she's a masochist. At this point in the story, he still acts like an older brother to her, scolding her for her actions yet also giving her good advice and encouraging her to help the mother she is afraid will turn on her, due to her insecurities about her eyes and mixed racial birth. She ultimately decided she would surpass Yoshiharu and became a recurring problem for him during their time in Kyoto, eventually she ended up alienating herself even from Nobuna herself, whom she wanted to prove her worth to. This event also secured the affection of Magoichi Saika as well, who now constantly seeks to make him her husband. Over time Yoshiharu became an increasingly more significant person in her eyes due to his ability to understand her ambition, a trait shared with but three other men in her life, namely Saitou Dōsan, her father and an unnamed missionary, all of whom are presently deceased. Originally happy for Nobuna's little brother, Yoshiharu's jealousy and pure rage towards Nobusumi spiked again when Nobusumi casually mentioned that he'd gotten Oichi pregnant. Nobuna does long for feelings of affection from her mother and in the absence of that she treats her retainers like family members. Even the threat of death in battle does not seem to completely break his calm. it was Zenki who first mentioned Yoshiharu's woman troubles, and hilariously Yoshiharu is more than a little aware of it himself. Her opinion of his spikes even higher after he uses his one wish, which Nobuna had to grant, to prevent her marriage to Nagamasa(Katsuie had believed that if Yoshiharu won he would take Nobuna instead, and that she had to protect her from both him and Nagamasa), During this particular instance, Katsuie is visibly seen hugging Yoshiharu. During their attempt to rescue Kuroda Kanbei, Zenki realized that Hanbei's power was no longer sufficient to keep him in the living world and that he would return to the afterlife next time he was "killed". She also didn't seem entirely convinced that even if she was his wife his pursuit of women would end there, as her vision of him stared at Louise and her vision of Goemon noted how he's so perverted he might even make her his wife too. While she was willing to help him raise funds to buy rice for the Oda clan Inuchiyo was surprised to see Yoshiharu massively raise the amount of money they possessed and go mad due to it. Due to Zenki's centuries of experience and his great wisdom, Yoshiharu usually finds himself learning from him, and Zenki himself seems to actually take a mentoring role towards Yoshiharu on occasion. Amusingly, Yoshiharu responds to these offers in a playfully professional, if somewhat perverted, and analytical manner. When he realizes that she is Date Masamune, he is both confused and horrified since he has literally just taught her how to use her Heterochromia to defeat the superstitious individuals of the modern age. The Ambition of Oda Nobuna Synopsis. Much later, although her Tsundere tenancies remain, Nobuna begins to stop distrusting Yoshiharu as much as before when it comes to other women, especially in regards to Juubei, whom he admits is just too airheaded for him to find a way to convince her of his decision. After this, she managed to regain her calm mindset and attacked Takeda again, this time yielding much better results. However Juubei won this challenge unfairly due to Tsuda Sougyu's interference and proceeded to brag about it. According to Motoyasu, Hanzo himself actually wished to help Yoshiharu during the aforementioned retreat at Kanegasaki, although Hanzo abandoned him briefly when his master was in danger due to priorities. She is often depicted with a musket (matchlock) in official art. When Mitsuhide tried to falsely accusing Yoshiharu of touching her Nobuna didn't believe it wholly without proof and arranged a competition between them alongside her goal to gain money to place Imagawa Yoshimoto as Shogun. Due to this, Nobuna tends to say that Yoshiharu speaks in a "monkey language" that cannot be understood which furthers her imagination of Yoshiharu being some half monkey and half human. Should Yoshiharu die or betray her trust (usually not on purpose), she will become cold, cruel, vengeful and hostile, enough to literally burn a temple, or several, to the ground with little provocation. Yoshiharu shows a lot of trust in Kanbei unconditionally, even being willing to tell her, Hanbei and Goemon, about the Incident at Honnou-ji. She seems to have developed some level of admiration towards him, as later on, when she was enraged by Takeda Shingen's act of ignoring her, it was Yoshiharu who managed to talk sense into her, which Hanzo noted nobody had ever succeeded in doing before. The Daiymo of Owari, full of determination and courage. Her feelings since then are acted upon when the opportunity strikes, but the two acknowledge their social standings are different and try to conceal their relationship. After this event, Juubei and Yoshiharu started to get along, with her defending him during the battle, giving him a protective charm and even allowing him to ride behind her on her horse(at this time he could not yet rise a horse properly). In this world, all the famous warlords of the era are female. More specifically, Nobunaga laid the foundation for the country to be unified, he took over half of the country and would've succeeded had he not perished when he did, Hideyoshi, who succeeded him, only managed to finish the job his late lord started, and Tokugawa Ieyasu would later take over everything after Hideyoshi's death and establish a whole new shogunate, essentially finishing what both started. Katsuie may herself be developing feelings for Yoshiharu, in which case she is suffering a severe and total denial, and it is no longer fully clear just how much she hates him, if she really does deep down under her outbursts. Aug 22, 2015 - Explore Time's board "The Ambition of Oda Nobuna" on Pinterest. The Ambition of Oda Nobuna 11 *spoilers* Anime and Manga - Other Titles This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. During the month before the Retreat at Kanegasaki, he finally seemed to master horse riding as he appeared before Nobukatsu on horseback and departed without anyone else to do the job for him. Nobuna cared enough about him to be conflicted over the chances of his death occurring, when his son rebelled against him and her own inability to actually help him, adding Yoshiharu's life into the equation was what finally swayed her into saving him. Yoshiharu has recently started refering to Hanbei by her name, which Zenki seems to think means that he has taken to seeing her as a woman instead of a mere child. The two eventually developed mutual love for each other, which came full circle during Takeda Shingen 'sand the Azai-Asakura Alliance's simultaneous invasions wherein Nobuna, in her camp, was assaulted by Yoshikage Asakura, Yoshiharu not only rescued her by beating the man to a pulp, but loudly declared her his woman during the exchange. Later, he even praises Yoshiharu's skills as a commander during the Retreat at Kanegasaki, as Yoshiharu's strategy grouped the enemy together and allowed Hanzo's ninja corps to blow them away with their own bombs. He is also a gifted merchant and has managed to use the resources at his disposal, namely Goemon, the Kawanami group and his own knowledge of trading from his old games, to smuggle rice and amass a small fortune behind the scenes, as a result he's more wealthy than anyone of his rank should be early on in the series. Yoshiharu and Saitou Dousan seem to have a mutual respect towards one another, and it can be inferred that Dousan was the first to actually believe Yoshiharu came from the future. After saving his life and while nursing him back to health in the middle of a battlefield she develops a matternal feeling of sorts towards him and later, if it didn't exist already in some form, a romantic interest as well. Firstly, her mother is at the top of a long list of people who cannot understand Nobuna's vision. She is quite arrogant about her looks and fairly self absorbed, as she has called herself the most beautiful girl in Owari, then believed Yoshiharu meant her when he said he wanted the most beautiful girl in all of Japan itself, and seems to overall believe she is the undisputed most beautiful girl in the world. Her zodiac sign Aries. Oda Nobuna no Yabou Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. This event, and the successful independence of Mikawa, has left some impression on Hanzo, as he seems to have grown to respect Yoshiharu somewhat. She also seems to have an interest in Matchlocks. Yoshiharu however could not accept such an end and, upon realising the only way to save her is to take a powerful spiritual item which is considered the single most sacred artifact in the entire country, he resolves to steal it, potentially making an enemy out of the entire country and all of its warlords to save her and Kanbei. The anime was produced by Studio Gokumi and Madhouse and aired on Japanese television from July 9-September 24, 2012. He is trusted by the Viper in return, though Dousan is his usual stubborn self in showing it. Yoshiharu agreed to this, and asked her to send him back if he ever became a genuine threat to Nobuna. When Hanzo tried to have Takeda assassinated, only for Yoshiharu to accidentally thwart it, he and the rest of Motoyasu's men beat him for it. The first episode begins with a musket ( matchlock ) in official art more... She usually seems rather easygoing loyalty to Nobuna `` barbarian style '' ( 猿 Saru.! 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Poor relationship with her mother and in the middle of a raging Sengoku period, he wears same... Is based on a light novel series written by Mikage Kasuga and illustrated Miyama-Zero! To cement their relationship, however, Yoshiharu does regularly wear era-fitting attire they have repeatedly even attempted cement... Yoshitatsu 's generals lure Nobuna 's forces to a valley becoming an obstacle and Inuchiyo become buddies and usually... Of biting her tongue, much to her shock, the ambition of oda nobuna sagara death 's arms same attire, with nobody even his... Habit of biting her tongue, much to her, in a European Knight manner was.
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